Automated geoprocessing tools using Python and the arcpy library
Inverted Polygon
Tutorial for QGIS
Using ERDAS Imagine and Landsar imagery
Leaftlet Popups
Web mapping using leaflet with popups
Nighttime Lights
Remote sensing with Nighttime light satellite imagery
Layer Blending
Layer blending symbology in QGIS for visual analysis
Digital Elevation Model
DEM produced in QGIS
Unsupervised Classification
Remotely-sensed image analysis
Multi-criterion Evaluation
MCE of suitable locations
Network Analyst extension
in ArcGIS
Tree canopy - LiDAR
Canopy measurments from LiDAR point cloud
Watershed delineation
Flow Accumulator in ArcGIS
Model Builder
Customizing geoprocessing tools and iterative processes in ArcGIS
Agent Analyst
extension in ArcMap
Apalachicola Bay, Florida
imagery in ArcGIS
Density Mapping
Kernel density in ArcGIS
ESRI Training
MOOCs and Instructor-lead Trainings
Maps created during the 30 Day Map Challenge 2023
I am going to participate in the challenge this year and will try to do as many days as time allows
Day 1: Points. This is a map of the distribution of city bicycle racks that were installed either in or prior to 2011 and those that were installed from 2015-2021. New installs have been concentrated in the Northside of the city. Datasets are from the Chicago Data Portal. The map was made using ArcGIS Pro
Day 2: Lines. This is a map of the trails within the Breaks Interstate Park displayed on 3D topography. The map was created using ArcGIS Pro
Day 3: Polygons. This is a map of the Great Lakes system, between Canada and the United States in North America, created with QGIS.
Day 4: A bad map. This is a map showing the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh, PA, USA; however, the city beneath is not Pittsburgh. Thanks to an incorrect projection file assigned to the layer the boundaries are positioned over Madrid, ES instead. It is unclear which direction is north since there are conflicting north arrows. There is a scalebar for size reference, but one will need to decode to wingdings 3 in order to understand the numbers. It may also be slightly difficult to determine the names of each neighborhood with a font size that large.
Web Mapping
HTML, Java, Python for Web-based maps using Leaflet and Mapbox libraries. QGIS was used for data prep and maps were publishing online using Github pages.
This project focused on using the Mapbox Isochrone API to determine travel distance within Chicago. It can be combined with multiple origins to determine where parties can meet, delivery boundaries, etc. More examples can be found in this tutorial I created as a class project.
An automated tool used to batch-clip layers to a specified boundary. The tool projects all layers in a folder to the same projected coordinate system before clipping them to the extent of another specified layer and saving them to a new geodatabase.
The tool will save the intermitent, projected layers in a separate folder than the original or final outputs. The parameters provide helpful guidance and error feedback.
The tool is available to download from my github where you may also view the script.
If GIF is too scaled down, you may view it in a new window by clicking here
Inverted Polygon symbology tutorial in QGIS
Tutorial on inverted polygon symbology in QGIS
Tutorial showing how to apply inverted polygon symbology in QGIS
Landsat imagery in ERDAS Imagine
Comparison of orginial 30 meter resolution Landsat 8 color imagery and pansharpened 15 meter resolution. Shown in false color (7,6,4 band combination)
Downtown Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 30 meter multispectral bands from Landsat 8.
Downtown Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 15 meter panchromatic band from Landsat 8.
This map was produced in QGIS. Inverted polygon symbology was used to highlight the city boundary and layer blending was applied to allow visual examination to the patterns of arrests for possession to the distribution of poverty
Digital Elevation Model
DEM produced in QGIS
DEM produced and symbolized in QGIS using data available from Cook County data portal and USGS.
Remote Sensing
Image classification and analysis in Erdas Imagine using remotely-sensed, satellite imagery.
The multispectral bands from Landsat 8 were stacked and mosaiced to cover the area of interest, Pittsburgh, PA.
Subset of mosaic image using Pittsburgh MSA boundary as area-of-interest.
Unsupervised image classification.
Multi-criterion evaluation
to find suitable locations
Multi-criterion evaluation using Network Analayst for distance from school and work locations along with crime density, tree canopy per block, distance to train station, etc. The project presentation is below for more detailed information.
Multi-criterion evaluation of suitable locations to place hypothetical tourist lodges based on land use and land cover raster layers along with proximity to waterways and elevation.
Network Analayst Extension
In ArcMap Desktop
Comparison of Euclidean distance and actual street network driving distance from Northeastern Illinois University's main campus within the city of Chicago, IL.
Tree canopy - LiDAR
Canopy measurments from LiDAR point cloud
Tree canopy measurment of LaBagh Woods, Chicago, IL using Lidar point clouds and producing DEM and DSM layers.
Watershed delineation
Flow Accumulator in ArcGIS
Wetland delineation using Flow Accumlator function in ArcGIS. Displayed with hillshade for terrain texture.
Model Builder
Customizing geoprocessing tools and iterative processes in ArcGIS
Basic model builder example of how to setup a model part for selecting features from a layer and exporting results to a new table.
Basic model builder setup for automating a process with a geoprocessing tool while allowing user-inputted parameters.
Agent Analyst
tutorial and presentation for extension in ArcMap.
Surface Interpolation - Bathymetry
Produced from a subset (430 points) of a larger database of depth samples in the Apalachicola bay. The original database was created by the Apalachicola Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (ABNERR)
and the NOAA Coastal Services Center. They surveyed the bay and the lower portions of four distributaries on 11-22 October 1999 using three benthic sampling techniques.
Physical ground points were taken using a handheld GPS unit and used to georeference a high-resolution photo of the NEIU campus.
Density Mapping
Crime density using burglary records in Chicago, IL